Make It Monday | Wellness Toolkit for Kids


Make it Monday | Wellness Toolkit for Kids

As parents, we have a big job training our children to be good stewards of their bodies. One of the best ways to do that, is equipping them to be responsible for their own wellness. How about making a mini wellness toolkit, for them to keep in their backpack? This can be something they keep tucked away in their lockers, at the bottom of their book bag or in their desk/cubby at school. It needs to be somewhere easily accessible to them, without breaking the rules of the school. A good idea is to make sure the teacher knows ahead of time, that your kiddo has this and what’s in it. 

Wellness Toolkit for Kids:

1.Head Spray - 1/2 oz Witch Hazel, 1.5 oz Distilled Water, 10 drops Lavender, 10 drops Rosemary & 4 drops Tea Tree. Spray in hair, hats & backpacks whenever needed. (In 2oz spray bottle)

2.Hand cleaner - 5 tablespoons Aloe Vera Gel, 3-4 tablespoons Water, ¼ teaspoon Vitamin E oil & 8-10 drops Thieves. Rub on hands. (OR, just purchase the Thieves Hand Purifier)

3.Tummy roller - 3 drops Lemon, 3 drops Frankincense, 1 drop Peppermint & fill w/carrier oil of your choice. Roll on tummy area. OR 10 drop DiGize, 3 drops Peppermint and fill with carrier. My kids (Steph) use the DiGize option. 

4.Focus roller - 10 drops Frankincense, 10 drops Copaiba, 10 drops Cedarwood, 10 drops Vetiver & fill the rest w/carrier oil of your choice. Roll on neck or wrists.
*all roller recipes are for 10ml roller bottles*

Include a few band-aids and lip balms and you’ve got a little kit that your kiddo can reach for anytime! You can store the supplies in a zip top bag, a pencil box or even a cute little bag from the Target dollar spot…get creative!

Thanks to my friend and teammate Heather Buelow  for this Wellness Toolkit suggestion!